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Raivis Å…ikitins
Aug 17, 20231 min read
Naco joins likeminded H2 industry partners in EU co-funded project "PilotSOEL"
Big moves happening at #NacoTech as we proudly embark on the #PilotSOEL project. Our mission is clear and our objectives precise: Drawing...

Naco Technologies
Mar 31, 20232 min read
naco secures the prestigious EIC Accelerator grant to revolutionize Green Hydrogen production!
Naco Technologies has secured a grant of €2.3 million, as well as investment, for a total of €10 million to replace the need for platinum.

Naco Technologies
Jul 27, 20223 min read
Naco to compete at the National Finals of the Entrepreneurship World Cup
5 of the most promising Latvian businesses have been selected to compete in second Latvian National Finals of the Entrepreneurship World Cup

Naco Technologies
Mar 14, 20222 min read
The Untitled Ventures Bets on Green Hydrogen With Its Fresh Investment in Naco
Naco has just received 1.5M euro in fresh funding that will be used for building a manufacturing station in Latvia

Naco Technologies
Oct 3, 20211 min read
Precious metals require high precision
New Naco magnetron will pave a way for fast and cost-effective catalyst coating research and development and cheaper hydrogen production.

Naco Technologies
Aug 19, 20212 min read
naco is among Top 25 most innovative start-ups at the Nordic Cleantech Open
naco make it to the Top 25 of most innovative, promising and ready-to-scale companies by Nordic Cleantech Open 2021 .

Aleksandrs Parfinovics
Jun 16, 20211 min read
naco conquers New Energies
Naco Technologies as a selected startup with hydrogen solutions has participated in X-Linker New Energies event organised by 5-HT.

Aivars Starikovs
May 17, 20214 min read
Our way to cheap clean energy
Hydrogen enables true potential of renewables, as it collects and stores energy that we get from renewable sources.

Pavels Nazarovs
Feb 1, 20211 min read
Latvia for a greener future
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia has approved a joint project between Naco Technologies and Institute of Solid State Physics.
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